Dex Dipper Environmental investigator (E.I) was birthed in 1989 as a cartoon character exploring environmental issues in both a humorous and bite size way. Fairly soon he grew off paper into a living character who traveled the country offering shows at schools and increasingly by the riverside and in the woods. He gained support for his work nationally from the National Rivers Authority and the Coop, and more locally in Devon, Friends of the Earth Exeter, the Devon Wildlife Trust, English Nature and Dartmoor National Park, and Edinburgh, the Edinburgh Environment Festival for several years. In the few years before he went undercover he was enjoyed live by over 40,000 children.
Jungle Rock (a graphic novel – see post) was written and drawn up in 1992 and self published ten years later 2003 (before the web made it more easy to do so), so many of the stories it was based around still being the case, as they are even now.
Though deeply valuing education for children the author felt moved to deeper engaged work with adults, frustrated that too many of them would resignedly suggest it was good leaving it to the next generation, whilst not actively supporting new ideas coming through. There was however a sense to not let go of Dex completely. Even as he burned a lot of the theatre paper work twenty years ago, the author visually saw Dex, the two dimensional cartoon character stand up in the flames, and so he never let go of him completely, Dex just went undercover, that is until now…..
Recently the inspiration came for Dex in cartoon form to rise again, both in the form of a new book, following a major investigation set in motion by Mr X part way through Jungle Rock, and through opening up particular ecological issues whether micro or macro in Dex’s own quirky way on line.
The planetary clock is ticking, ecological thermometer hotting up at this time. The more we can explore and understand it, the wiser can be our actions individually and collectively, particularly once we truly realize its importance, for so far as we understand in the entire universe, there’s no place like home!!
Like Harry Potter, Dex has been growing up, and increasingly writes for teens and an adult audience not just younger fledglings, we’re all in this together, but it’s often the adults ecologically that need to wake up more, and take time to play and Enjoy our beautiful planet. As a quote in a beautiful project “the box” by Gigi Coyle and others shared: “it’s not enough for us to “save” the planet for our children, we must live the very things we want for them,” otherwise they will be raised in a very dull world.
We hope you enjoy Dex’s investigations and this precious world, for All our Relations!
Jay Thres 20/02/2019
Dex Dipper Environmental Investigator is copyright (c) 1989, All rights reserved