An interesting case this one – whilst the planet has slowly been tail spinning into a human induced 6th mass extinction, Inactavists have been on the increase – evidently not a problem for those who want us to “obey, consume, be silent, die.” Indeed some say they encourage it with “weapons of mass distraction,” but more of an issue for those of us who’d like decent conditions for life to be part of our children’s inheritance.

We called in an experienced unit – Phantom 23 and a half, in a bid to try to unstick a number of inactivists glued to their tv screens, and even younger inactivists glued to games on their phones. The unit said this is much tougher job than that XR lot and themselves had to wear blinkers so as not to be distracted by the drama and exposed flesh of that vital programme at this time: love island…
Are you having trouble peeling away from tv and other screens? Do you feel it could be an addiction or are you in denial?

Don’t let it stop you going out, you could always wear your screen like this man does, but also you could brave going out without it, and why not invite others bring your creative minds together in relation to what is really needed at this time – together we can support the Great Turning – away from an extractive economy to an earth loving one.
Likely Culprits: the media, pollution dulling brains, depression – ungrieved grief
Note to Investigator: 1. sometimes the news is just a distraction. 2. Joanna Macy suggests apathy is actually rooted in fear of suffering.
Possible solutions: shake yourself a wake, attend a grief tending, sing dance, learn to listen to the earth and ways of working together eg: peoples assermblies with the children’s fire at the centre : Let’s find a better way together.
here also is a link to some grief tending offerings: https://grieftending.org
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