Author: Jeremy Thres

help wanted

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I would love some support/allies available to help consolidate and wisely help me make the best of Dex. Occasionally i’d love some help with distilling research, at others grounding a mission and sharing it and getting this work known and out where it can be both enjoyed, participated in, contributed to and learned from..if you feel you might fit the bill welcome to be in touch, i’m north east dartmoor based so perhaps easiest if also in this direction so easy enough to meet, though there are many aspects in which support could be invaluable where someone further afield with expertise could also support. Just to share currently my own work for this is voluntary and part time, as is just one strand of what i am involved in, so unless support comes in on a financial level, or the footing shifts, support also would need to be voluntary. Best wishes Jeremy

Categories: Uncategorised

Quick Question: how do you Truss a chicken, uk farming, and democracy all at the same time and make a significant stand for man boobs?

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An Answer from Liz Truss who it has been announced this morning is attempting to: use red tape to side step a vote on whether to accept lower food standard for imported meat than those our own best farmers and democracy would wish to have, such as allowing chlorinated chicken and growth hormone fed beef.*

Speaking of hormone fed food and man boobs, men you too can have breasts like these:
An aquaintance had a chicken farm in which growth hormone was injected in the neck. Unlike the rest of the body, these necks were duly disposed of vs sold and fed to the public.

A farm worker felt this was a waste so commonly gathered and ate said chicken necks and, like the chickens, he evidently grew very fine breasts. It was understood there was a direct relationship between these two things.

Lesson: we lower food standards not just at the expense of animals but also people’s health…

Truss/this government’s slippery avoidance of democracy is gross and terrible for our farmers….let people know it has been seen


Update: wow folks campaigning has evidently turned this around….one surprising thing about this government has been it’s willingness to occasionally make u turns when it realises the error of its ways.

Categories: Uncategorised

Have you ever felt like Mr Tumnus?

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“Sons of Adam….”

This is posted on first hearing that the government are still intending to roll out the badger cull, despite both their claims to be looking for an exit strategy, and that in many ways the current policies and the red tape surrounding them do not serve, even tie in knots, that other endangered species, SMALL farmers, and continued and mounting evidence that vaccines and biosecurity measures can be at least as effective and don’t include mass inhumane slaughter of a protected animal…their ignoring the evidence (130% increase in gloucestershire after government claimed 66% reduction*) and rolling out the cull feel like the actions of the dark age Judge Jefferies “hang them first and try them after…” and then once we’ve killed them we’ll vaccine them??? Truly Mad.

Over to Dex:

Have you ever felt like Mr Tumnus, the faun in Narnia? There I was quietly having a cup of tea when all of a sudden the earth started lifting under my chair and I found myself tipped backwards behind the settee.

It was a fortunate thing for out of a growing hole in my floor emerged, guess what, a talking badger!!

“Alright lads” it said, “let’s vaccinate the food of this one and scarper…”

I peaked around the sides of the settee. It looked like a badger was peeing in my tea pot! “Hold on” I said, leaping up, “that was given to me by great Aunt Ethel, the one human in my family who remembered me in her will…”

The badgers looked up…”sorry lads looks like we’ll have to eliminate this one” and they leapt at me. Fortunately badgers are short sighted and at least one went for the sofa instead of me.

I sparred the others off with my chair, but they are feisty animals…

“What” I cried falling back on mythology “surely not the badgers of all creatures most loyal, would turn against a son of Adam?” and that cracked them, or at least two of them, who sat back on their haunches and started weeping.

But the other said “no, I’m the Bad in badgers you can’t sweet talk me” and he leapt for my throat. If I ever gave thanks for having a ridiculous large detective’s coat it was now, I held it up in front of me, and wrapped the leaping fur ball in its folds, and sat on it.

But that was a mistake, badgers have powerful claws and more powerful jaws and he clamped both on my bottom…”Owwww” I screamed, “stop, please stop”

Fortunately one of the other badgers spoke up on my behalf: “You know he’s right boss, we don’t want to kill them, that’s what they’ve been doing to us.” “Yeah” said the other, I haven’t got the heart to kill them, and anyway look at this one with his beak, I’m not sure he’s fully human anyway.”

“Not till he drinks some of this tea, and solemnly swears to speak up requesting vaccination not extermination for badgers”  said the boss.

It was a fair yet strange request, at least the tea bit, but I feared a badger’s tendency to tunnel where the sun doesn’t shine, so I willingly agreed.

“Phew” I said standing up and rubbing my bottom, “now lets all have a cup of tea and you can tell me what’s going on…,” and then wandering over to the tea pot remembered what I’d seen earlier, “tell me dear badgers what are you up to peeing in my tea pot?”

and here is what they shared:

We are part of an elite team of badger scientists testing out the latest in vaccines to eliminate Mad Policy Disease (MPD) from humans.

As you probably know us badgers have been being scapegoated for the spread of bovine tb where as the greater majority of transmission is understood to be cattle to cattle (75%).**

The government sponsored a ten year fully independent scientific trial into culling badgers and its effect on the spread of the disease (killing several thousand of us badgers so we cannot say they were badger lovers) but robustly concluded that it was not a viable way to go.

Not only did it’s effects not last, they basically concluded that badger culling actually spread the disease, this was due to stress leading to greater susceptibility to it and badgers migration away from areas of trauma, the so called “perturbation effect. This is what they said: “given its high cost and low benefits we therefore conclude that badger culling is unlikely to contribute usefully to the control of cattle tb in Britain, and recommend that tb control efforts focus on measures other than badger culling.”

More recently: The Government tout a 66% reduction in Gloucestershire following a five year  cull, yet do not mention the 130% increase the following year, prevalence also increased in Dorset: Iain McGill, a vet who was one of those to draw attention to these and a number of other significant figures in the report cited below* said the real cause of bovine TB in cattle was infected cows going undetected by the existing skin test, which picks up only half of those with infections.

So clearly there are issues with the current testing system, you are probably also wondering what the other options are?

Well first we want to acknowledge us badgers are not against small farmers who work with the land, we recognise to some extent they also are like us an endangered species being squeezed out by middle men super markets and complicated burocracy that ties them in knots in particular around bTB – they recognise the perturbation effect from red tape – cut one piece of red tape and often it morphs into two more, and also stressed farmers like badgers get depressed and are more likely to succumb to sickness even suicide.

We badgers have our own ideas, but first we are going to read out to you the voice of one small farmer who we feel has truly seen the wood from the thicket in relation to Bovine TB (bTB) and proposed a practical, humane and simple way forward, one which also will release a great deal of farmers from the knots they are tied in by it:

“Is it a danger to human health? – No because bTB stopped being a threat to human health when pasteurisation of milk was introduced in the 1930’s

Is it an animal welfare issue? – No because clinical signs of the disease are practically non-existent in cattle, nor is there any evidence that the welfare of wildlife is seriously compromised.

Does meat from ‘reactors’ pose a risk? – No because meat from ‘reactors’ can still enter the food chain

In other words, the disease itself isn’t the problem. The only reason why there is such a palava is because of the rules imposed on the export of cattle which include restrictions on vaccinated stock.

The solution is to narrow down the TB testing to only those cattle destined for export which gives us an option to vaccinate those cattle that remain here. This would allow unfettered trade within our shores and save a great deal of money overall.

Face it – the badger is a scapegoat, a diversion which has masked the fact that market forces are driving this problem and the subject has spiralled away from reality. It’s time to get a grip.

Response: Unfortunately, milk from cattle which fail a skin test for TB is deemed not fit for human consumption, even if it is pasteurised or manufactured, and vaccinated cattle will fail the skin test, or the gamma test, so within the current regulations vaccination is not an option, even though us farmers would quite like it to be.

So why aren’t we arguing that it is a nonsense to exclude milk from these cows when pasteurisation was invented to make milk safe for human consumption regardless? 

The whole point of pasteurisation is that it kills micro-organisms such as bovine tuberculosis meaning we wouldn’t need to test dairy cattle for bTB in the first place if it wasn’t for a set of inflexible, outdated export regulations.

It seems to me we’ve been so busy jumping through the hoops that we’ve lost all focus. We should lay the problem at the feet of those who make the rules and demand that changes are made.

TB in cattle cannot be eradicated and it doesn’t need to be because there are safeguards in the form of pasteurisation and the disease poses no more risk otherwise than, say, e-coli or any of the other infectious diseases which we may deal with in our cattle day to day ( unless of course we’re saying that we should be testing for all these other diseases as well….? )

The EU/export regulations need to be modified and cattle remaining within our shores exempted from restrictions so as to reflect the reality of the situation and put a stop to all this rigmarole.”***

Thank you for this clear voice…

Hopefully its clear wisdom will be heeded, so freeing most farmers from its burden, if not/alongside it there are still a couple of more stressful but good options that can be followed, and could help those farmers who are involved in live export, a few more thoughts then back to the teapot:

The first is better biosecurity….

In Norther Ireland they managed to reduce incidents of bTB from 9.95% to 5.54% with nothing but tighter testing and care of animals over eight years. In comparison a Welsh aim with culling over five years, presuming it met its targets, was 6.9%, so no better, many badgers dead, and there wouldn’t necessarily be the better care of farm animals at the end of it.

We have been shown cctv footage trying to demonstrate us badgers as villains getting into a feed store, yet the answer to this is not to kill more badgers, it is – you’ve guessed it: “close the feed store door.” It’s not like we are going ignore such an easy free lunch….

Speaking of lunch, or actually peanuts, the other Great News that needs to be spread and heard is this:

The vaccine in badgers is being found to be effective, not only in the adult generation but also the positive effect is spreading through to the cubs:

“In a clinical trial, the BCG vaccine reduced the risk of vaccinated badgers testing positive to a test of progressed infection by 76%, and reduced the risk of testing positive to any of the available live tests of infection by 54%. In the same clinical trial, BCG vaccination reduced the risk of infection of unvaccinated cubs in a vaccinated social group – when more than a third of the social group was vaccinated, the risk to unvaccinated cubs was reduced by 79%”*

In other words it is working. Currently badger vaccines are administered by injection, with numerous courageous trained volunteers carrying this out, farmers in many counties can contact them via the Wildlife Trusts amongst others if they would like support. It is a vastly financially cheaper and healthy than culling a protected species with other as yet unknown ecological knock on effects.

A recent breakthrough also means that the vaccine in time will be able to be administered orally, “us badgers have not just very strong jaws,” said Bad, Dex rubbed his bottom nodding, “but also very strong stomach acid. This meant an oral vaccine seldom got through to our intestines, however some dedicated Irish scientists have developed a special coating that can help the vaccine through. This could offer a further way to offer us badgers the vaccine which will cost literally peanuts.” Nb: Badgers love peanuts so they may have a bit of an agenda here, so it shouldn’t stop continued use of the injected vaccine in the meantime. Sorry badgers i don’t like needles either, but it is better than being culled…

Back to the teapot…

“So that’s why we are administering this vaccine, a vaccine against Mad Policy Disease – we eat a dose of madness inducing mushroom, that we badgers can handle but humans cant, we bio-filter it through our bodies, and add it to your tea. This micro dose invokes an immune response which should counter act mad policies, it has other benign benefits too but we wont go into those now…”

“It sounds good to me, dear badgers,” said Dex, “I’m all for it….do you think MPD vaccine will help in other areas too such as Hinkley C and Hs2? and thinking about it there’s a few other policies I’m not sure of at the minute…. I’ll have two sugars please and can we send some to the prime minister and also to Natural England and Defra…”

And so we sat down for a lovely cup of tea and I truly pray we will not ever lose our badgers and those who speak out for them…


**note from Wildlife Trusts website also where you can find some of the regional trusts offering vaccine support for farmers and referring to this:

***Here is a more comprehensive recent review of evidence and with reference to cattle to cattle transmission page 4:

And a May 2020 article summarising cull figures:

And an article about a leaked document implying a continuation and spread of the cull despite new evidence of the vaccines effectiveness: Here is really Mad Policy:

**** the source of this farmer’s words needs digging out from reams of research but can be added when found.

Action: What can we do now in the face of Mad Policy Disease?? Breathe deep and regather the courage to speak up for our fellow creatures. The majority of people even MPs likely do not yet know of this positive new evidence of badger vaccines effectiveness, so the absolute craziness of continuing with a killing/culling policy in the face of it….so pick up a pen or keyboard and drop a line to your MP and let others know too…at least this government has demonstrated the courage to occasionally take a u turn.

Here also to draw on and packed with evidence is an an open letter to Boris Johnson in the Veterinary Record, signed by Jane Goodall, Chris Packham and others, add your voice to theres.

Best wishes and with a prayer for greater sanity to prevail…

Categories: Uncategorised

Life in the The Wasteland

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Unreal City,

Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,

A grey crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,

I had not thought death had undone so many.

A colourful crowd dances on Waterloo bridge, so many,

I never knew life had touched so many. T.S.Eliot, the Wasteland, rewritten with gratitude for the ordinary people of XR who to date have played a huge part in government and others beginning to more fully aknowledge and recognise the climate and ecological emergency. Policy must follow.

Photo: Jon Pitman

Categories: Uncategorised

Fracking a Dead Cow.

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Is Fracking a clean and green energy that’s the question? A uk government department are trying to pass it off as such whilst also contributing to the impoverishment of local people.

I had a call from Mr X the other day. He said an old school friend of his was telling him “Fracking was a jolly good clean way of extracting oil,” but that he himself (Mr X that is) had “missed a putt playing golf near Blackpool earlier this summer when the Earth shook, and evidently this was caused by an earthquake triggered by a local fracking site.” As a consequence he no longer felt “quite so sure about fracking, and wanted me to look into it.” He’d also heard of some colleagues in government classifying fracking as “a green energy” so that intrigued him too.

Of course I promised to do so, and the next morning whilst packing my rain coat and booking a ticket to glorious Lancashire, a dossier arrived on my desk (ok browser not desk, but desk is more poetic): It came from some investigative journalists* and shared the story of the Mapuche people in Argentina.

Now the region they lived in for generations is the “Vaca Muerta,” (Spanish for dead cow) and areas of this had already been fracked by Argentina’s own oil company, YPF, but then in 2013 a further area including a specific piece of land the Mapuche understood to be fully recognised as theirs, was opened up by the government for fracking by international companies. These included Chevron, Shell and Pan American Energy (a subsidiary of BP). Protesters against this were met with tear gas, and the day after it was signed, a special structure that the Mapuche people had set up on their own land to monitor infringement and the oil companies’ activities, was burnt down in what was described as a “deliberate incident.”

The article shares that Fracking produces “large quantities of toxic biproduct.”  At one site in the region half a million litres of toxic waste arrives at the site every day from nearby extraction sites. The conditions in which this waste is stored risk contaminating local water supplies and violate local regulations being too close both to habitation. One site in the region oil leaked for 36 hours across the land, to the extent it was visible with satellite images. The increase in activities from Chevron and others has also led to sustained loss of vegetation irreversibly damaging the homelands of the Mapuche people and with it their traditional way of life.  

Ok Mr X I think we can answer this one, Fracking cannot be claimed as a clean way to extract oil.

But what about this other claim that it’s a green energy?

Well I think even I can answer that one. Fracking is used to extract fossil fuels which are both a limited resource (so not renewable) and also responsible for the vast majority of man made carbon dioxide in the environment, and climate scientists suggests the best place for fossil fuels given the climate emergency is to remain IN THE GROUND.

So where and which GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT does the claim that it is green come from? Well yet again a dossier crossed my desk, in this case from Jillian Ambrose** sharing a Friend’s of the Earth report that has uncovered that:

“The UK is planning to invest in Argentina’s controversial oil shale industry using a £1bn export finance deal intended to support green energy, according to government documents seen by the Guardian.

UK Export Finance, the government’s foreign credit agency, promised in 2017 to offer loans totalling £1bn to help UK companies export their expertise in “infrastructure, green energy and healthcare” to invest in Argentina’s economy.

Instead official records, released through a freedom of information request, have revealed the government’s plan to prioritise support for major oil companies, including Shell and BP, which are fracking in Argentina’s vast Vaca Muerta shale heartlands…..

Tony Bosworth, a campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said: “With the world hurtling towards catastrophic climate change, and parliament declaring a climate emergency, it’s outrageous that the UK government is continuing to back huge fossil fuel developments abroad.”

Separate records, also uncovered by Friends of the Earth, revealed that there had been no fewer than 13 meetings between the UK and oil companies operating in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta hydrocarbon reservoir since the beginning of last year…..

There have been no meetings with renewable energy companies, according to the records.”

So it would seem Mr X’s government colleagues in “Export finance” are the one’s trying to pass off fracking and shale gas as green so they can frack a dead cow in an area i guess where they and other colleagues don’t play golf.

EcoAction: could be worth letting the department of export and finance and others know we have seen their little ruse to pass off fracking as green and are unimpressed!

* Nicholas Williams, Marina Costa and Katie Lamborn,


MISSING – from GDP: Environmental and Social Costs

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This is a very worrying case and possible root cause to many problems. It turns out that Environmental, and even social costs, are hardly ever included in accounts. As a consequence they are MISSING, not even showing on paper, so a company or individual can appear to make a profit whilst environmental and social conditions for everyone else (true wealth) deteriorate sharply…

There is no Place Like Home.

Action: we must stop legitimising an economic system that does not recognise social and environmental costs….

Likely Culprits: Ignorance of our interconnectedness and dependence on all of life, greed & aggressive predatory capitalism leading to massive species loss and climate breakdown.

Possible solutions: – let go of some hubris and open to intelligence wider than our own, look for and go for a deep supported immersion to open to nature, its majesty, beauty and guiding ways.

Categories: Uncategorised

Met Office Warning: Gail Approaching!!

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The Met Office have put out a warning of yet another major Gale approaching. This one being called Gail Bradbrook.

Like so many at this time, its power is exponentially increased due to global warming and climate emergency.

Gail herself, in dark colours and handcuffs, held a cool front about the truth of this in contrast to the hot air coming out of Westminister, saying if they’d speak the truth about climate and commit to zero carbon by 2025 she’d calm down, though adding for her, its increasingly about creating a truer democracy and establishing a binding citizen’s assembly with both the teeth and power to guide us to a more just and equitable way. 

Likely Factors: increasing the Gail: witnessing bail outs for the bankers and the weight of austerity then being put on the greater majority of people. Deep love of the Earth and people.+

Possible solutions: Who wants to solve Gail Bradbrook anyway? Though i don’t necessarily agree with everything she says or all her actions, overall we need more of her forthright down to earth truth and feisty standing for justice. If the authorities want to qwell the storm, they need to truly serve all the people and our planet home, not just a rich elite, and bring their actions in line with what’s needed.  Join the call for a CLIMATE and ecological emergency CITIZEN’S ASSEMBLY as well as forming and participating in people’s assembl;ies which include council of our earth: Let’s find a better way together.


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A number of futures have recently gone missing. There are reports of others being seriously diminished.

Have you checked if you still have yours? Or your children or grandchildren theirs??

Have you lost your future or part of your possible future too?
You could add your picture or your children’s picture here:

Likely Culprits: Ignorance of our interconnectedness and dependence on all of life. Greed & aggressive predatory capitalism leading to massive species loss and climate breakdown.

Note to Investigator: already some have suggested these are symptoms of a wider problem…

Possible solutions: This is a shared catastrophe – we need to find a better way together. Learn to listen to the Earth, study, principles such as permaculture (earth care, people care, fair share), self examine and engage with growing a better life together. Put the children’s future and the home and wider earth family we depend on at centre

And sign up to stop ecocide:

War – the biggest crime against the Planet and All its children

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In War, crimes against the planet soar exponentially….think of all the extra carbon spent by all that machinery poncing about, posturing and shooting at each other, and then there’s the weapons:

Bush and Blair having waded into Iraq to “save” its people on the FALSE pretext of weapons of mass destruction, having already lied to their own people, used Uranium tipped missiles, leading not just to massive immediate loss of life but long term birth defects amongst Iraqi’s…”thanks for saving us guys, not.”

Although it was little publicised more recently Trump dropped with seeming glee “the mother of all bombs” in Afghanisthan…their people as guinea pigs to this experiment in a continued action totally out of proportion (like the earlier invasion according to a distinguished british diplomat) to anything the country has done. (“Proportional response” is what is needed according to this former British Ambassador to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan – Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles KCMG LVOE in his 2018 talk entitled “what the jihadis really want.”).

A thousand wrongs do not make a right…and when they also exponentially add to climate emergency they are very far from saving anyone.

Likely Culprits: Ignorance, greed, an unwillingness self examine

Possible solutions: Engaging in shadow integration work. As a Jungian Elder (Julian David) suggested, the only real evil is when we put it outside of ourselves, it is often then that the most evil acts are committed claiming to be good, in an effort to extinguish it outside ourselves, yet in doing so revealing it inside ourselves.

Though on a local level it can be necessary to restrain another from causing harm, the real work is as Carl Jung says, if “someone is brave enough,” to “withdraw all their projections….they (then) have become a serious problem to themselves…as they are now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against….Such a person knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in themselves, and if they only learn to deal with their own shadow they have done something real for the world” “Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.140

From wikipedia in relation to uranium tipped missiles it is shared that though:

The U.S. Department of Defense claims that no human cancer of any type has been seen as a result of exposure to either natural or depleted uranium.[87] Militaries have long had risk-reduction procedures for their troops to follow,[88] and studies are in consistent agreement that veterans who used DU-enhanced munitions have not suffered, so far, from an increased risk of cancer (see the Gulf War and Balkans sections below). The effects of DU on civilian populations are, however, a topic of intense and ongoing controversy.

in contrast:

As early as 1997, British Army doctors warned the Ministry of Defence that exposure to depleted uranium increased the risk of developing lung, lymph and brain cancer, and recommended a series of safety precautions.[89] According to a report issued summarizing the advice of the doctors, “Inhalation of insoluble uranium dioxide dust will lead to accumulation in the lungs with very slow clearance—if any. … Although chemical toxicity is low, there may be localised radiation damage of the lung leading to cancer.” The report warns that “All personnel … should be aware that uranium dust inhalation carries a long-term risk … [the dust] has been shown to increase the risks of developing lung, lymph and brain cancers.”[89] In 2003, the Royal Society called, again, for urgent attention to be paid to the possible health and environmental impact of depleted uranium, and added its backing to the United Nations Environment Programme‘s call for a scientific assessment of sites struck with depleted uranium.[90] In early 2004, the UK Pensions Appeal Tribunal Service attributed birth defect claims from a February 1991 Gulf War combat veteran to depleted uranium poisoning.[91][92] Also, a 2005 epidemiology review concluded: “In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in offspring of persons exposed to DU.”[13] Studies using cultured cells and laboratory rodents continue to suggest the possibility of leukemogenicgeneticreproductive, and neurological effects from chronic exposure.[8]

And in Iraq:

Iraqi population

Since 2001, medical personnel at the Basra hospital in southern Iraq have reported a sharp increase in the incidence of child leukemia and genetic malformation among babies born in the decade following the Gulf War. Iraqi doctors attributed these malformations to possible long-term effects of DU, an opinion that was echoed by several newspapers.[85][139][140][141] In 2004, Iraq had the highest mortality rate due to leukemia of any country.[142][143] In 2003, the Royal Society called for Western militaries to disclose where and how much DU they had used in Iraq so that rigorous, and hopefully conclusive, studies could be undertaken out in affected areas.[144] The International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW) likewise urged that an epidemiological study be made in the Basra region, as asked for by Iraqi doctors,[145] but no peer-reviewed study has yet been undertaken in Basra.

A medical survey, “CancerInfant Mortality and Birth Sex Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005–2009″ published in July 2010, states that the “…increases in cancer and birth defects…are alarmingly high” and that infant mortality 2009/2010 has reached 13.6%. The group compares the dramatic increase, five years after wartime exposure in 2004, with the lymphoma that Italian peacekeepers[146] developed after the Balkan wars and the increased cancer risk in certain parts of Sweden because of the Chernobyl fallout. The origin and time of introduction of the carcinogenic agent causing the genetic stress the group will address in a separate report.[147] The report mentions depleted uranium as one “potentially relevant exposure” but makes no conclusions on the source.

Four studies in the second half of 2012—one of which described the people of Fallujah as having “the highest rate of genetic damage in any population ever studied”—renewed calls for the US and UK to investigate the possible links between their military assault on the city in 2004 and the explosion in deformities, cancers, and other serious health problems.[148] Despite the known use of depleted uranium by allied forces, no depleted uranium has been found in soil samples taken from Fallujah.[149]


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An interesting case this one – whilst the planet has slowly been tail spinning into a human induced 6th mass extinction, Inactavists have been on the increase – evidently not a problem for those who want us to “obey, consume, be silent, die.” Indeed some say they encourage it with “weapons of mass distraction,” but more of an issue for those of us who’d like decent conditions for life to be part of our children’s inheritance.

We called in an experienced unit – Phantom 23 and a half, in a bid to try to unstick a number of inactivists glued to their tv screens, and even younger inactivists glued to games on their phones. The unit said this is much tougher job than that XR lot and themselves had to wear blinkers so as not to be distracted by the drama and exposed flesh of that vital programme at this time: love island…

Are you having trouble peeling away from tv and other screens? Do you feel it could be an addiction or are you in denial?

photo: Sandra Dubosq

Don’t let it stop you going out, you could always wear your screen like this man does, but also you could brave going out without it, and why not invite others bring your creative minds together in relation to what is really needed at this time – together we can support the Great Turning – away from an extractive economy to an earth loving one.

Likely Culprits: the media, pollution dulling brains, depression – ungrieved grief

Note to Investigator: 1. sometimes the news is just a distraction. 2. Joanna Macy suggests apathy is actually rooted in fear of suffering.

Possible solutions:  shake yourself a wake, attend a grief tending, sing dance, learn to listen to the earth and ways of working together eg: peoples assermblies with the children’s fire at the centre : Let’s find a better way together.

here also is a link to some grief tending offerings: