Met Office Warning: Gail Approaching!!
The Met Office have put out a warning of yet another major Gale approaching. This one being called Gail Bradbrook.
Like so many at this time, its power is exponentially increased due to global warming and climate emergency.

Gail herself, in dark colours and handcuffs, held a cool front about the truth of this in contrast to the hot air coming out of Westminister, saying if they’d speak the truth about climate and commit to zero carbon by 2025 she’d calm down, though adding for her, its increasingly about creating a truer democracy and establishing a binding citizen’s assembly with both the teeth and power to guide us to a more just and equitable way.
Likely Factors: increasing the Gail: witnessing bail outs for the bankers and the weight of austerity then being put on the greater majority of people. Deep love of the Earth and people.+
Possible solutions: Who wants to solve Gail Bradbrook anyway? Though i don’t necessarily agree with everything she says or all her actions, overall we need more of her forthright down to earth truth and feisty standing for justice. If the authorities want to qwell the storm, they need to truly serve all the people and our planet home, not just a rich elite, and bring their actions in line with what’s needed. Join the call for a CLIMATE and ecological emergency CITIZEN’S ASSEMBLY as well as forming and participating in people’s assembl;ies which include council of our earth: Let’s find a better way together.
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