And the Elders said: “Time to Break this Law. It doesn’t serve the children.”
As we look around for new ways that will help us in the transition from empire to earth serving community, we can learn a great deal from the stories and ways of cultures that live/have lived more harmoniously with the earth than our current destructive one.
Though I have been unable to fully track the root of this story (having personally heard it only orally from a mixed blood native american couple), the message in it still can serve well.
In essence among these particular people, when laws were made they were recorded on or in relation to an arrow (or stick if you prefer). All laws were reviewed every seven years, and thoroughly examined to see if they actually served life, served life in terms of not just children now, but also seven generations hence (this meant all children, for humans are not just islands but depend on so much else).
If the law was found not be serving the children, then the arrow/stick was broken. If a new law was to be made it could be made bearing in mind the failings of the previous one, and not be passed unless these were satisfactorily remedied.

Examples of law arrows appropriate to be broken in our time, are those that enshrine corporations rights as if they are people…
These it turns out are criminal laws that rob the majority of people and the planet to line the pockets of an already rich few.
So this is a law stick that should be Broken.