Category: species loss


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A number of futures have recently gone missing. There are reports of others being seriously diminished.

Have you checked if you still have yours? Or your children or grandchildren theirs??

Have you lost your future or part of your possible future too?
You could add your picture or your children’s picture here:

Likely Culprits: Ignorance of our interconnectedness and dependence on all of life. Greed & aggressive predatory capitalism leading to massive species loss and climate breakdown.

Note to Investigator: already some have suggested these are symptoms of a wider problem…

Possible solutions: This is a shared catastrophe – we need to find a better way together. Learn to listen to the Earth, study, principles such as permaculture (earth care, people care, fair share), self examine and engage with growing a better life together. Put the children’s future and the home and wider earth family we depend on at centre

And sign up to stop ecocide:

The case of the Never Spotted Woodpecker

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Can you spot the woodpecker in this woodland?

Neither can we….the lesser spotted woodpecker is a lovely bird, once common in devon’s woods, but you would be hard pushed to see one anywhere now…

Likely Culprits: Loss of woodland habitat and vital corridors in between them. Starvation due to loss of food source (the male feeds the chicks in their last week before fledgling, the female taking off for a no doubt well earned rest before potentially seeking another mate, and tragically there’s no longer enough food for him to do this single handed), caused by the huge loss of insect numbers. The cumulative effects of pesticides and climate change being major factors in this.

Possible solutions:  Allow massive regeneration of trees, support and encourage land stewards to leave trees in between woods. Not only is it great habitat and a feast for wildlife, farmed animals also love the shelter of trees, and if we don’t do this, the lesser never spotted is heading the way of the dodo…